Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Please Do Not Control My Vaginal Rights

The wonderful Ezra P. Miracle has been giving me advice on maintaining a blog without getting distracted from it and neglecting it. So I now have a whole two pages in my journal titled "shit to blog about". Yay!

Herman Cain (I always say "Hermain Cain"... which is kinda funny. To me, anyway...) recently came in first as a GOP Presidential candidate in a Florida Straw Poll. For Hermain, this is a first. Are you wondering what his secret is? A campaign that an NPR writer called a "Buy one pizza, get one free", which is fitting. His pizza campaign is also known as the 9-9-9, this clever abbreviation stands for NINE percent flat income tax, NINE percent corporate tax, and NINE percent nation sales tax. If you  are lost, so is the rest of rational America. But hey, who needs rational America when you've got irrational Florida!?

*Takes break from blogging to do French homework*

Congressman Cliff Stearns is still a big 'ol douche bag. This time he is using a "backdoor tactic" to shut down Planned Parenthood. Has he been combing his eyebrows too long to realize this battle should be over by now? Please do not try to control my vaginal rights, Stearns. You were already on my bad side anyway.

You can sign one of the many petitions here.

Today on Faceboook, "Have you ever deceived other people for an extended period of time? NPR is looking for personal stories of public deception that involved a large amount of self-deception as well. If you’re willing to tell your own story on air, please tell us about it in the comments. Thanks!"

There's a whole party of those folks, drinking tea and being stupid. Maybe NPR should contact every single one of them?

The Daily Beast today is worried about Rick Perry's blueprint for America (I am still laughing at the Pizza CEO, Hermain). But hey, who needs a blueprint when you've got the perfect presidential face? Why not run for President completely on your handsome American next-door neighbor looks? George W. Bush had a similar tactic... well, his was based on sincere lies and cheating. But Perry seems to be easily lying and cheating through the roots of society, right? Making you feel like he is some kind of angel? We all know, or at least I hope everyone reading this blog knows, THAT is certainly not true. 

You can read more on that here. 

President Obama needs me.  Or at least that's what I am telling myself. In his back to school address today, he announced that  we are 16th in the world of students with a college degree. "That's not good enough. And so we need your generation to bring us back to the top. If we do that, you guys will have a brighter future. And so will America."

I don't even care about my super-mega-liberal-socialist beliefs. Obama's got me hooked. I love him. And when he addresses my generation, I think of him the same way I think of my dad. Like, all I want to do is make him proud of me! I think I will use his speech to reflect upon when I am having one of my "poop on school" days. I'll make you proud, B. I'll make you proud.

Now I am off to get some "Caramel and Cinnamon" towels from Kohl's because my dad is going through his mid-life crisis. Is that appropriate to post publicly? I don't know.

Be kind to one another.

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