Today, on Facebook, I noticed one of my old friends from Dallas, Oregon (the hick town I once resided in) became a fan of "O.B.A.M.A(One Big Ass Mistake, America". On it, I wrote "MASSIVE DISLIKE" and she replied with "MAJOR LOVE" and I said "Barack Obama is my boyfriend. I love him with a burning passion" which she then proceeded to say, "Ew... Sydney, I like you so I won't have a political fight with you" Uhm... Excuse me? That's when I said "I'm a political blogger, yo. I could politically fight you!" ...and then she deleted the whole conversation with a click of a button. Coward.
See? That really peeves me, when people talk about how they don't want to get into a conversation, because they don't want to hurt my feelings, or be in a fight, or whatever... I want to fight! I want to prove to you, that you are an absolute idiot, and you REALLY should not be talking without any proof of your reasoning. Gah. Irrationality pisses me off.
I like Michelle Obama. However, why does anyone care about her weight? She looks perfectly healthy to me, yet somehow, everytime I'm at Safeway or something, and I happen to glance at all the tabloids, THERE'S a picture of some Michelle fat. Mm? Nah. But anyhow, it's not important.
What is important, however, is her super cool anti-obesity plan. I think it's cool anyway. Even though I happen to think the fat kids are the cutest kids, it's probably a good thing they aren't fat and can you know, live past thirty and not have to suffer through heart problems all the time. Good plan, woman.
Happy delayed Valentine's day/ Single's Awareness day/ Oregon's birthday, and happy President's day, and happy early Fat Tuesday. It's a good three days, of celebration.
Bruce Stevenson likes it, I hear.
It's late for a school night, and I need to rest for the big Mardi Gras Haiti benefit concert, er, majig.
Do you think I should make a fan page for this blog on Facebook? It might get me some more followers. Tell me about it.
discussing things is good, not just to prove someone wrong, but also to learn to discuss things that are important with people who have different views.
ReplyDeleteis this friend the same birth cert friend? because...yeah.