Monday, February 22, 2010


My response to this Facebook status:

"Obama's trying to make U S of A's education system better. Apparently its "morally unacceptable." Ok Obama, lets just see how many more students will drop out of high school once you higher the standards."

This was the girl who joined that Facebook group, O.B.A.M.A (one big ass mistake, America) but not the one who tried to tell me off about Obama and his birth certificate. Anywhooo... there were already some people who had posted on this status, and said things that were smart, and others who sided with her and went on to bash Obama completely. Someone even used the "He's a great speaker, but then again so was Hitler" comment. Ugh. Oh and they also said something about how Obama's a bad president because he let them make a Chia pet out of his head... Here's what I chipped in the pot:

"I have that Chia Pet. Obama isn't taxing those who 'work hard;. Everyone who owns a business works hard. He is just taxing the ones who have the money to give to the government, the big corporations and making it easier for the smaller business, and new businesses to get going. For example, in Dallas, your Dallas, there was once a nice downtown with neat little shops that people went to all the time. Then Walmart moved in, and pushed all of the local shops out of business, and now when you need something, where do you go? Walmart, right? Obama wants to lower those issues in the country, because yes, that is an issue. As far as his plan for schools goes, he wants to raise the amount of high school/college graduates in America. This is bad, how? Not only will it eventually lower our unemployment rate, it will also hoist our academic standard, which is awesome! Sure, there will be some kids that are threatened by it, and drop out, but that's just this generation. Imagine, the next generation of High School kids, who are already used to the new standards, and they will move on to excel.

Obama said from the very beginning of his campaign, that it would take awhile to clean up what the last president had dirtied. He has his ten year plan for getting out of the war, and he has made change. You probably don't see it, because you don't own a business.

I'm sorry I'm not closed-minded, and actually like to think for the better of the country. Does that mean I'm not morally acceptable"

I liked the opening line, and the closing lines the best, personally. Why am I still Facebook friends with these kind of people? Mainly to argue, because it's fun, when they post irrational things. When people try to add me, and I look at their political view, and it says "Republican all da way", I'm not going to add them.

My drumming skills are coming along, as are my BANJOing skills. I'm still stoked. I can't take my fingers off the thing. But anyways. That's my GUHRmoment of the day.

Thanks for your time.

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