Monday, October 3, 2011

Can't Take Me Away

Hey hey hey everyone.

Welcome to my blog. Introductions are so awkward.

I'm really sad that there are only two more episodes until season 5 of The Guild is over.  And that the last episode is so like... hngnfdnsdf. But that doesn't relate to politics, so, onward!

I read a pretty interesting interview between David Graeber (on of the leaders in Occupy Wallstreet) and Ezra Klein (of the Washington Post). You can read it here, and get a better idea of the roots of the thing, including the reason for a lack of appearing leadership that I kind of mentioned in the last blog post. So yeah, read it.


Tomorrow (Tuesday, October 4th) for those of you Oregonians, there is an Occupy Portland General Assembly at 7 pm, at the Ankeny Plaza in Waterfront Park. I plan on trying to get up there. But if I can't...

Literally three minutes ago, while I was writing this post and watching Veronica Mars, Occupy Salem added me on Facebook. Heeeeey, so October 10 it looks like there will be an Occupy Salem event. Go add'em on Facebook for more information. And I'm sure there is some kind of event being scheduled near you (wherever you are). Well, unless you live in Hong Kong. Then you might be out of luck.

ALSO on Wednesday is organizing a virtual march. RSVP and learn more here! So there's no reason for being sad that you don't live in the Eastern part of the country. There's lots to do near you to stay involved in this powerful movement!

In other news, Governor Martin O'Malley kicks off Maryland's marriage equality campaign with this video that almost made me cry (but that's not saying much, I watched Bridesmaids the other day, and cried because the cop was just so nice to the main character... I'm going through an emotional age, okay!?).

And speaking of crying...

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Alright, I need to study study study! I just wanted to comment on Occupy Portland and those things. LET'S GO.

Don't forget to like Lame and Forceful on Facebook. L8er G8ers.

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