Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Future As A Republican

As we all know; I go on Facebook way too often. I've noticed a theme in my usual annoying Republican friends this week which is joining various groups and fan pages that are titled "50,000 people against health care reform" and "Join if you are against health care reform", etc etc! I've been trying to reason with people against the Health Care Reform, and have not been provoking them quite as much. However, it's kind of hard to reason with them. Here's what I've come up with.

-Only people who work hard enough for their money deserve Health Care, because anyone who doesn't have Health Care obviously is a motionless stump in the ground.
-My friend (who makes much more money than me) told me it was bad.
-I have a really tiny, closed mind.

That is it. I may have a future in Republicanism... (NOT!)

I read this today, and thought it was a little bit heart-warming:

I don’t make enough money to afford health insurance.

Depending on how much money you make, in 2012 you may be eligible for Medicaid, the insurance program for low-income people. Anyone with an income below 133 percent of the poverty level—about $14,400 for an individual and $29,327 for a family of four in 2009—can enroll in Medicaid. Also, doctors who treat Medicaid patients will receive higher payments, so more may be willing to treat people in the program. There will be subsidies for those who don’t qualify for Medicaid.

(full article)

I just like that they're going to pay doctors more for Medicaid patients, so they don't frown upon the poor ill folk. I don't think they should have to, but it's definitely a good idea for this society.

Jumping back to groups on Facebook, I noticed a lot more groups against Health Care Reform than for it. Thus concluding, we For, think it must be ridiculous to have to prove your incompatibility toward something so obviously beneficial for most people by a social interacting website such as Facebook (I guess we aren't the lame and forceful ones this time).

Current Favorite Article: From NPR

Current Favorite Blog: From Truthout

I enjoyed the Blog especially. Chip Ward, you are one good man. "Welcome to Utah".

I also have a new favorite shirt:

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