Lately I've been looking for a decent source of news. I love NPR, but I never have time to listen in the morning, and by the time I get home from school, they are only ever talking about things I usually don't care about like, snow storms in Virginia. I mean, I care, but not enough to listen about it for an hour. I go on the website a lot, but still- I need more sources.
In my lookings, I decided to check out Fox News. Now, I know already that they are the crappiest source of news, but I just wanted to see, and hey- make a blog about their stupidity.
Would you like to know what shows up on the home page? Why don't I give you some tidbits of today's Fox News.
Palin for President? Frank Luntz reveals why Sarah's speech could point to a possible bid! And then I clicked on the link, and Oh, it was a Hannity blog post. I don't know much about Hannity, but I have read some of his other stuff, and he seems to be, oh a little idiodic? I'm fifteen and can see it. He may not be as idiocic as some political commantators I've seen in my time, but really.
Oh-oh! And
this is the article. Now, I am going to branch off a little bit on the comment, "President Obama's 'lack of experience' has held him back his first year in office and that she would put her credentials up against his any day."
Yes, because her experience has obviously gotten her a lot of places, you know, like some more Fox.
There's an accomplishment.
Awesome Fact of today: When you type in "Sarah Palin is" into google, the things that pop up in the suggested searches are, "Sarah Palin is a retard" "Sarah Palin is a dumbass" "Sarah Palin is a moron", oh and one that says "Sarah Palin is hot"... which is, definitely, not true. Trust me, I know about hot politicians.
Now let me ask one question with visuals:

Would you ever actually want this woman running a country? Even third world countries would be damned with her.
I mean, in my vulgar opinion anyways.
So let me add to Hannity's little 'poll', that NO, she probably shouldn't had even ever been a governor.
I'm feeling a little bit aggressive today.
But good old Stephen made me feel better today.
WATCHI can't even tell you how much I fell even deeper in love with this man today. Yes Stephen Cobert, Sarah Palin is a F****ing retard. Thanks for making my day.
And thus concludes, my Sarah Palin rant of today. Surely, there will be more to come in time.
Obama said from the very beginning of his campaign, that it would take awhile to clean up what the last president had dirtied. He has his ten year plan for getting out of the war, and he has made change. You probably don't see it, because you don't own a business.
I'm sorry I'm not closed-minded, and actually like to think for the better of the country. Does that mean I'm not morally acceptable"
I liked the opening line, and the closing lines the best, personally. Why am I still Facebook friends with these kind of people? Mainly to argue, because it's fun, when they post irrational things. When people try to add me, and I look at their political view, and it says "Republican all da way", I'm not going to add them.
My drumming skills are coming along, as are my BANJOing skills. I'm still stoked. I can't take my fingers off the thing. But anyways. That's my GUHRmoment of the day.